
tribal npc hellpoint wiki guide 300px
Locations 1. Alma Mater Atrium - Union Park
2. Observatory
3. Port Issoudun
4. Arisen Dominion
5. Alma Mater Atrium - Athenaeum

Tribal is an NPC in Hellpoint. Tribal is a strange NPC that seems to be able to connect with the spirits.

Tribal - Information

  • He can be found at the different fireplaces located around the station. He will provide you with DATA and information. When you find him, exhaust the dialog options and when you leave he will move to the next fireplace.
  • Fireplace locations:
    1. Alma Mater Atrium - Union Park.
    2. Observatory.
    3. Port Issoudun.
    4. Arisen Dominion - Near the Arisen Palace breach. Cross-over and climb the pyramid, he will be at a bonfire. Gives a Sanity Puppet.
    5. Alma Mater Atrium - Athenaeum - He's at the fire, upstairs, directly behind the Breach. Go through the room with the upgrade stations. Exhaust dialogue. He gives you the Tomahawk.
  • Once you complete the quest you'll be contacted by the Ministry of the Union. (You'll need 150% data)

Tribal - Locations

  • I. Your first encounter with this NPC will be in the Alma Mater Atrium area (Union Park subsection).
    • (These instructions assume that, instead of going to Sohn District with the first Arcology Limited Access Passport, you went to Ikari Walkways first. All in all, this doesn't change much, apart from the route you'll have to take in order to reach what you're aiming for.)
    • Starting from the Alma Mater Atrium - Union Park breach : exit the room containing the breach.
    • Turn right, and go forward ; pass the corner of the building, and then aim for the entrance to the Union Park, that you can see in the distance, right ahead.
    • Once you've reached the entrance, turn left ; from there, you can already recognize the glow of a fire, past a fountain, and several fake trees.
    • The NPC is sitting cross-legged, just next to the fire.
    • (Once you've spoken with him, and exhausted all available dialogue, you'll gain +0,33% Data.)


  • II. Your second encounter with this NPC will be in the Observatory area.
    • Starting from the Observatory - Podium breach : when facing the breach, and having the Weapon Editor at your back, go straight ahead, until you reach three staircases : one of them going up, and two of them going down.
    • Climb the stairs, turn left, and pass through the doorway.
    • Take a few steps forward, turn right, and pass through a second doorway.
    • Right in front of you, you'll find a series of staircases, connecting the different semi-circular floors of the Observatory.
    • Go up one floor (forward ; up ; right ; right ; up ; forward), and pass the doorway.
    • Turn right, hug the wall to your right, and go forward (an important portion of the floor is destroyed / missing).
    • You'll soon come across a new doorway, in the wall to your left : this is where you'll find the NPC, sitting cross-legged, just next to a yellowish "flame".
    • (Once you've spoken with him, and exhausted all available dialogue, you'll gain +0,33% Data.)


  • III. Your third encounter with this NPC will be in the Port Issoudun area.
    • Starting from the Port Issoudun - Docking Bay breach : when facing the breach, and having the windows at your back, turn left, and go forward, until you reach an opening in the wall to your left.
    • Go down the stairs, hug the wall to your right, and go straight ahead.
    • (On the way, you'll pass a tram, to your left.)
    • You'll finally come across a bunch of crates ; destroy them, in order to free the passage, and reveal the upper part of a mag-lift.
    • Go down ; when facing the lowest part of the mag-lift, turn right, and go straight ahead. (There's a door with a strange "doorknob" to your left : ignore it.)
    • As you near the end of this "platform", you'll see the NPC, sitting cross-legged on the floor. (I don't know if there's a graphical bug in my version of the game, but for once, he's not sitting just next to a fire / flame.)
    • (Once you've spoken with him, and exhausted all available dialogue, you'll gain +0,33% Data.)


  • IV. Your fourth encounter with this NPC will be in the Arisen Dominion area.
    • (The following instructions assume that you haven't yet activated the great elevator.)
    • Starting from the Arisen Dominion - Grand Gallery breach : when facing both the breach, and the nearby square hole, head in a diagonal, forward, and to the right, until you reach a bench, located at the edge of a passageway.
    • Turn slightly to the right, and head in the direction of the great "doorway", that you can see in the distance.
    • Pass this first doorway ; then, go straight ahead, until you reach a second, smaller doorway.
    • WARNING. From this point on, you'll encounter a high concentration of Small Arisen Congregators (Censer), with 2x Small Arisen Congregators (Staff). Ideally, try to lure them out, in order to fight them one by one.
    • Once that you've cleared the area of any hostile presence : as you emerge into this very large room, you can see that it is organized around three tiers of gradually increasing heights.
    • Go up the stairs to the right side of the room, all the way to the top.
    • Once you're up there, ignore the staircase going up, to your left ; instead, go straight ahead, and pass the great "doorway".
    • From there, head forward, and to the right : you'll find an opening in the wall to the left, that is inclined inward.
    • Step outside : you now have two options, either follow the path going to the right, or follow the path going to the left.
    • (If you go to the right, you'll be able to stabilize the Arisen Dominion - Tram Station breach ; perhaps it's best to start with this, since it can't hurt to have a much closer save point.)
    • If you go to the left : just follow the path, until it seems to come to an end. Then, use the platforms of gradually increasing heights to  climb the side of the pyramid.
    • There is a brief interlude, where you just have to go along a very narrow path (No sudden moves, you don't have much margin for error) ; and soon enough, you're back to climbing, with five more small platforms, before you can reach a much safer "floor", per say.
    • From this point, you can already see the NPC you're looking for, in the distance, past some chairs and tables, and in front of a stained glass.
    • Approach him : as always, he's sitting cross-legged, just next to a light blueish "fire".
    • Once you've spoken with him, and exhausted all available dialogue, he'll give you a Sanity Puppet, and you'll gain +0,33% Data. (Well, he is supposed to give you a Sanity Puppet during this particular encounter : I didn't get anything of the sort. I don't know if it depends on your dialogue choices ; or because I already had the one you can find in the Union Park subsection of the Alma Mater Atrium area...)


  • V. Your fifth, and last encounter with this NPC will be in the Alma Mater Atrium area (Athenaeum subsection).
    • Starting from the Alma Mater Atrium - Athenaeum breach : when having the breach at your back, go straight forward.
    • You'll arrive in the arena / boss room, where your defeated Our Preying Hostess ; go to the very middle of this room, turn right, and then go forward.
    • In front of you, there are now two staircases, both going up : one to the right, and one to the left. Take the right one.
    • You'll reach the first floor ; but the person you're looking for can only be reached by going through the second floor ; so continue to climb the stairs : turn left ; up ; turn right ; turn right ; up ; and turn left.
    • Now that you've arrived at the second floor, using the right staircase : turn right, and hug the wall to your right.
    • Pass two corners, climb a short set of stairs, and go straight ahead, until you reach an automated door to your right.
    • The room you've just entered seems to be some sort of workshop ; and a very convenient one, at that, since you can find, in the same location : a Medical Station ; an Universal Printer ; and an Occult Conjuring Table.
    • Go forward, and to the left, and you'll find a doorway.
    • Exit the room, and go down the stairs right in front of you.
    • Once you're down there, turn right : from here, you can already see the NPC, sitting just next to a light blueish "flame" (that "burns" by consuming...??).
    • Once you've spoken with him, and exhausted all available dialogue, he'll give you the Tomahawk, and you'll gain +0,33% Data. (Since the Sanity Puppet apparently wasn't enough, he's bribing you again, so that you finally leave him alone...)

Tribal - Notes & Tips

  • ?


Ah! Welcome.
I don't see many friendly faces around here.
Sit down, rest for a moment.
(Learn Sit guesture)
Yes, you deserve a break.
Where are you coming from?
It looks to me lie we've both come a very long way.
Do you know what this place is? It's pretty horrible what they do to folks around here.
How are they still alive?
They move around like little puppets! Pom, pom, pom!
Heh heh heh...
You don't feel anything? Move closer to the fire.
Every man has a fire within him that keeps him alive.
You have one too, and no one can take it away.
We must cherish it and protect it by any means necessary.
So when there's nothing but darkness, stoke that fire.
Talk Stay for as long as you like.
After moving to Observatory
You're back.
I didn't think you'd make it, but I kept hoping.
I haven't been watching you. I didn't want to ruin the surprise.
Ha ha ha!
Well, come, come! Sit down for a moment.
You've changed. You have seen things.
Is there anybody in there? Heh heh.
This place is so noisy. I'm having troubles concentrating.
There are so many screaming spirits... and other noises so strange I just can't understand what they say.
But if you listen closely, filter out all the noise, and concentrate on the sounds...
Can you hear them? Heh heh heh.
They are creatures from the eternal night, high up above us.
We are protected by legends.
The fire warms the bones. You can look at it and think for a long time.
Look at it now! Tell me what you see.
Answer: I see people dancing.
Heh heh heh, that's what children always say.
Yeah, I see them too.
I miss them so...
Strange thoughts cross through your mind. Strange spirits move your body.
Remember the fire.
It will keep you warm and push you forward.
You only lose when you give up.
Answer: I see faces laughing. Hmm... the tricksters are out tonight.
Look at them! Face them whenever you can.
They're always laughing, even when your back is turned. 
Strange thoughts cross through your mind. Strange spirits move your body.
Remember the fire.
It will keep you warm and push you forward.
You only lose when you give up.
Answer: It's just chaos.  Chaos... chaos offers opportunity, but not for very long.
You can wield the fire, use it to destroy or create.
What will you do with all your power? Create more chaos, or establish order?
Strange thoughts course through your mind. Strange spirits move your body.
Remember the fire.
It will keep you warm and push you forward.
You only lose if you give up.
Talk Rest, friend. Collect your thoughts.
After moving to Port Issoudun
Oh, hello.
You're still alive. But I was certain I sensed your death... many times.
How strange... could this mean you're from a different plane, like me?
Well I'm glad you came to visit me. Sit down, get warm.
I think I know what you are.
I know you're curious to find out.
You're a body without a soul, and I'm a soul without a body.
Is that why we keep running into each other like this?
No... I have a different destiny, and someone is already controlling you.
There's something else we share...
We've seen so many strange things, we can't tell what's real and what isn't.
We don't know what to believe... who to trust...
I left home a dozen years ago... I think.
I've been traveling, watching, learning...
Only now can I finally speak...
Ha ha ha...
I was... a soul worker.
I would call back lost spirits and bring them home to their kin.
Under these same stars. I can still hear the drums beating in harmony, like one giant heart.
Those in the darkness would be called upon.
Others, those that turned away from the false light, would rise again and came back to us.
The words we spoke, like those before us, brought the dead back to life, so they could finish their moment in time.
And now it is I who is lost, in a place I don't understand.
There are too many voices to hear anything.
It doesn't matter. I know my calling. I am where I am meant to be.
And so are you.
 After moving to Arisen Dominion

Hello again.

Come and sit, while you still can.


I'm frozen to the bone. I think my spirit is escaping.

I don't know how much more of this place I can take.


You weren't there when the second flood came.

It was a giant wave, spreading faster than the wind, destroying all life in its path.

But it wasn't a wave of water ; it was a wave of spirit that shattered minds into a thousand pieces.

It'll all been written (Typo?) because it's all happened before, many times.

Evil lies, men and women separate from each other.

Then the flood comes, kills the weak and strong alike, and the world begins again.

It takes a lot of mud and blood to reconstruct the world.

But it's happened before, it's happening now, and it will happen again.


They came to us before we came to them.

While we travel, they catch us, like rabbits.

Giant dream catchers, not unlike this place.

Every spirit should be free to return to the source. Cutting a spirit off from the source is the greatest sin.


But I'm not worried. I will destroy them soon.


Tell me...

Do you think we'll ever make it back home?

First answer : I think so.  
Second answer : I don't think so.  

Third answer : One of us might.


Fourth answer : This is my home.

That's what I thought. But my claim remains.

You've come from far away. And that's where you'll go in the end.

Perhaps I'll meet you there someday.

(+0,33% Personal Data.)


I wish you safe travels.


NPCs in Hellpoint
Architect  ♦  Asmodeus  ♦  Blacksmith  ♦  Damaris of Opole  ♦  Glum  ♦  Ministry of the Union  ♦  Patriarch  ♦  Prodigal Spawn

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    • Anonymous

      В обсерватории четыре варианта диалога. Можно выбрать пустую строчку диалога, тогда он начнет пытаться разговорить персонажа.

      • Anonymous

        In Arisen Dominion, when he ask: "Do you think we'll ever make it back home?"
        My answer was: "This is my home."
        He said: "That's what I thought. But my claim remains."
        "You've come from far away. And that's where you'll go in the end."
        "Perhaps I'll meet you there someday."

        Dialog got exhausted and got no doll or anything from it.
        (found the doll before in the park tho)

        • After moving to observatory-- Answer: It's just chaos.

          He replies: Chaos... chaos offers opportunity, but not for very long. You can wield the fire, use it to destroy or create. What will you do with all your power? Create more chaos, or establish order?

          • Anonymous

            So far, he seems to be the only human you'll encounter on your journey. Look at his pinky fingers. Everyone else has a second opposable thumb instead, like the player character.

            • Anonymous

              He has a fire in Acrology that he sits at when you kill the Celestial on the bridge there but haven’t found a way to get to him. Maybe just story? He is always watching.

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